
Enforcing Kubernetes Policies with Open Policy Agent (OPA) and Policy-as-Code


Kubernetes offers a flexible and scalable platform for deploying applications, but enforcing security, compliance, and governance policies across a cluster can be challenging. Open Policy Agent (OPA) addresses this challenge by enabling policy-as-code enforcement within Kubernetes.

In this blog, we’ll explore how to use OPA and the Gatekeeper project to define, enforce, and manage policies across a Kubernetes cluster in a structured way.

What is Open Policy Agent (OPA)?

Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a powerful tool for defining and enforcing policies using a declarative approach. It allows users to create rules and conditions that determine whether specific operations should be permitted.

In a Kubernetes environment, OPA helps enforce best practices by ensuring that Pods meet security and compliance requirements—such as having the correct labels, using a safe security context, and avoiding direct host port bindings.

Designed for seamless integration with various systems, OPA processes JSON input, such as Kubernetes manifests, evaluates them against predefined policies, and returns a decision on whether they comply with the established rules.

OPA policies are written in Rego, a specialized query language designed to express complex conditions in a readable format. Instead of defining step-by-step execution logic, Rego allows you to specify what should be enforced—such as restricting specific configurations or flagging missing fields—while OPA handles the evaluation process. This declarative approach simplifies policy management, making it easier to maintain security, governance, and compliance across a Kubernetes cluster.

Why Use OPA for Kubernetes Policy Enforcement?

  • Centralized Policy Management – Manage all policies from a single place, ensuring consistency across the cluster.
  • Fine-Grained Control – Define complex policies with Rego for precise enforcement.
  • Admission Control – Prevent unauthorized deployments before they reach the cluster.
  • Audit and Compliance – Ensure Kubernetes resources comply with organizational security standards.


  • Helm 3+ installed
  • Kubernetes Cluster – A running Kubernetes environment
  • AWS Access – Permissions for:
    • S3 Bucket
    • ECR Repository
    • IAM User with the necessary policies

Step-by-Step Guide: Enforcing Policies Using OPA in Kubernetes

1. Add helm repository in Kubernetes cluster

Run the following commands to add the Gatekeeper Helm repository and update it:

					helm repo add gatekeeper
helm repo update

2. Install Gatekeeper using helm

Install Gatekeeper in the gatekeeper-system namespace (it will be created if it doesn’t exist):

					helm install -n gatekeeper-system gatekeeper gatekeeper/gatekeeper --create-namespace

3. Verify the Installation

Use kubectl to check if the installation was successful and if Gatekeeper’s deployments are available:

					kubectl get deployments -n gatekeeper-system

Define a Constraint Template

1. Create a Constraint Template

A Constraint Template defines a reusable policy using Rego. Let’s create a policy to enforce that all Pods must specify resource limits.
📖 Learn more about Rego

kind: ConstraintTemplate
  name: passlabel
        kind: PassLabel
    - target:
      rego: |
        package pass_label

        import future.keywords.if

        default allow := false

        allow if

        violation[{"msg": msg, "details": {}}] {
          not allow
          msg := "The passlabel label is required"

2. Create a Constraint to Enforce the Policy

Constraint applies a Constraint Template to enforce the policy in the cluster.

kind: PassLabel
  name: label-1
      - apiGroups: [""]
        kinds: ["Pod"]
      - kube-system
  parameters: {}

3. Test your Gatekeeper Constraint

Try to Create a Pod Without the Required Label
First, apply a Pod definition without the required label:

					apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: invalid-pod
    - name: nginx
      image: nginx:alpine

Apply the Pod definition:

					kubectl apply -f invalid-pod.yaml

The Pod creation will fail with an error:

					Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "invalid.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: [label-1] The passlabel label is required


Modify the Pod Definition to Include the Required Label
Now, update the Pod definition to include the required label:

					apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: valid-pod
    passlabel: required-value  # Add this label as required by Gatekeeper
    - name: nginx
      image: nginx:alpine

Now, update the Pod definition to include the required label:

					kubectl apply -f valid-pod.yaml

The Pod will now be allowed since it meets the policy requirements.

Advanced Use Cases for OPA in Kubernetes

Beyond basic policy enforcement, OPA can help implement advanced security and governance controls in your Kubernetes cluster. Here are some additional policies you can enforce:

  • Require Images from a Trusted Registry
    Ensure that all container images originate from an approved registry to prevent the use of unverified or vulnerable images.

  • Restrict Privileged Containers
    Block Pods that run as root or request privileged mode, reducing the risk of container breakout attacks.

  • Enforce Namespace Quotas
    Prevent excessive resource usage by enforcing CPU, memory, and storage limits within namespaces.

  • Label Enforcement
    Ensure that all resources, such as Pods, Deployments, and Services, include mandatory labels like env: production for better organization and policy enforcement.


Open Policy Agent (OPA) with Gatekeeper offers a powerful and scalable way to enforce consistent policies in Kubernetes. By adopting a policy-as-code approach, organizations can define, manage, and enforce security, compliance, and governance policies in an automated and structured manner. This eliminates manual enforcement, reduces human error, and ensures that all workloads adhere to predefined rules.

Implementing policy-as-code with OPA helps create a secure, compliant, and resilient Kubernetes infrastructure while ensuring best practices are consistently applied across all deployments.

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